Diamond Club
Charge of fame

Want access to AH-MAZING perks? Then join our Diamond Club and feel the Charge!

Raise $1k or more to tell cancer where to go, and you'll become part of our exclusive Diamond Club and receive these cool perks.

Why $1,000? That can help fund research to develop new drugs to stop the spread of cancer through the body. 

People like you are so important for making sure that we can continue researching for better treatment and prevention of cancers. And we'll be there every step of the way to support you as you Charge!

Diamond Club Benefits

Dedicated calls and support from the March Charge team

Your very own Diamond Club t-shirt

Your name in lights on the website Diamond Club leaderboard

VIP Hub access with expert fitness tips, fundraising tools, recipes and more!

Premium Diamond Club fundraising page (and badge!)

VIP recognition on The March Charge Facebook page


Check out our awesome Diamond Club Chargers!

These inspiring individuals have all raised $1,000 or more to tell cancer where to go!